Our School

Staff List 2024-2025


Senior Leadership

Mrs Brodie
Executive Principal

Mrs Tallett
Head of School i/c Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes

Mr Neilan
Head of School i/c Quality of Education

Mr Killworth
Assistant Principal i/c Strategic Pastoral

Mrs Marston-Smith
Assistant Principal i/c Curriculum Director

Mr Hamill
Assistant Principal i/c Pupil and Staff Welfare

Mrs Moakes
Assistant Principal i/c Catholic Life PICCLS

Mrs Chilwan
Assistant Principal i/c Sixth Form

Miss Healy
Assistant Principal

Fr. Ryan
School Chaplain


Heads Of Year and Pastoral Team

Mrs Prior

Head of Year 7

Mr Stevens

Head of Year 8

Miss Routledge

Head of Year 9

Miss Forker

Head of Year 10

Mrs O’Keefe

Head of Year 11

Mrs Cooney

Head of Year 12

Miss Page

Head of Year 13

Mrs Tse

Pastoral Administrator

Miss Kemp - Behaviour Support Assistant

Head of Departments

Mr Taylor - Art

Mr Greenwood – Geography

Mr Dawson – Music

Mr Butler – PE

Mrs O’Keeffe –Health and Social and Psychology

Mrs Baker – History and Politics

Mrs Clancy – Computer Science

Miss LeatDrama

Mrs Prytherick – Maths

Mr Bryne– English

Mr Yates - Physics

Mrs Marshall - Science

Mrs Ellis – Religious Education

Mr Cole – Business and Economics

Mrs Bowker – Modern Foreign Languages

Mr Early - Spanish

Mrs Nash – Culinary Arts

Miss Wearing - Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Miss A Fraser - SENDCO

Mrs Condron - Chaplaincy